As well as all the mainstream, well-known parenting books, I feel there are some fantastic messages about family life to be found in children's picture books. Here are three that spring to mind. You might have your own list too!
Plot: Winnie the Witch lives in a black house with her beloved black cat Wilbur. Unfortunately, she can never see him because he is always camouflaged against the black decor, with the result that she continually sits on him or falls over him. She tries to make things better by changing Wilbur's colour but that just upsets him and he disappears up a tree to hide. So Winnie has a think and turns him back to black and makes the house a difference colour instead. And now, Winnie can see Wilbur no matter where he sits.
Message: we shouldn't try and make our lives easier by changing our children. There are bound to be other things we can have a go at changing first.
Zou and the Box of Kisses by Michel Gay
Plot: Zou the little zebra is going to a summer camp without his parents for the first time. After he tells them he is worried about it, they make him a box filled with paper kisses to take with him, enough for every night of the trip. The next night, the little zebras travel together on a night train to the camp. Zou feels a bit worried but he gets a kiss out of the box and feels better. One of the other zebras is inconsolable but Zou offers him a kiss from his box and cheers him up. Soon all the little zebras on the train have a paper kiss and the box is empty...but everyone is asleep and happy. The next day, they arrive by the sea feeling great and all ready for summer camp.
Message: If we make our children feel confident and secure in our love, they can pass that emotional confidence on to others and make a real difference in their lives.
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Message: This books gives me so much strength on a bad day! Us mums all try our best but sometimes we lose our rags. Even so, the breach can be healed, we still want our children there and they still want us there. Afterwards, it is absolutely right to show our children love and affection again. It isn't weak at all.
Of course, these books are primarily for us to read to our children for their enjoyment and these are just my own additional interpretations. That said, I sincerely feel they have some great messages for parents. There many tools - memories, books, news stories, other things I haven't thought of! - out there to guide and support us in our parenting journeys and we can find them if we keep our eyes, ears and minds open. That's a fantastic thing to teach our children too.
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